Monday, April 4, 2011

An Italian Romance Novel

Yesterday, while trying not to obsess over the submissions I sent off last week, I started outlining a new novel. The idea for the story crept into my mind in March, when I began planning a trip to Italy.

In preparation, I watched the movie classic Roman Holiday (for the zillionth time) and pushed my nose into travel guides every spare moment. I learned about the land of love, its magnificent countryside, cuisine, museums, basilicas, piazzas, and more. That's when it popped into my head... What a fabulous opportunity to write a romance!

Making sure to pack a journal, I plotted to document every Italian site, nuance, and flavor I encountered so I could implement them into my book. I was certain Italy was the perfect setting for this new romance to blossom.

The moment I stepped off the airplane at Rome’s Fiumincino Airport, the story began to take shape and the characters in my mind came alive…

Now, two weeks later, a romance novel is born from a colorful imagination, fabulous memories, and a journal bursting with Italian treasures.

Molto emozionante! (Very exciting!)

~A Writer’s Hart


Summer said...

I can't wait to read about the hot Italian men. I love your writing, C.E. Hart, and I am sure this will be your best novel yet. :)

Cheryl Hart said...

Sweet! Thanks, Summer. :)

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Thanks girl for your sweet comment on my blog about Shelter A Child. I really appreciate it. Your so nice. Your blog is great! I love it and now a follower! XO

Cheryl Hart said...

Thank you, Jessica!

How kind of you to stop by. I'm delighted you are now a follower. I look forward to getting to know you. Your post about your daughter's project really touched my heart. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Cheryl Hart said...

Oops! Pardon me. LOL It was YOUR blog. lol I got mixed up because I found the link to your 'Shelter A Child' post from your mother's blog. EEk... sorry about that. lol

Anonymous said...

This novel sounds delicious. When I think Italy, I think great food and wine. This is a book I would devour.

Sounds like you had a fabulous trip.

Cheryl Hart said...

Thank you, Daryl! So kind of you. I really appreciate your encouraging words.

My trip was magical--I want to go back. :)

gail said...

Sounds like you are going to relive all your wonderful experiences with us. Just don't forget all the juicy stuff!!LOL

Lorraine Cipriano said...

Sometimes doing things outside of the norm is all you need to get the creative juices flowing! I am officially jealous of your trip :-)

Cheryl Hart said...

@ Gail -- LOL Gotta love the juicy parts. Thanks for stopping in. Next time I'll have some tea and cookies ready. ;)

@ Lorraine -- You are right! Then again, I'm usually out of the norm. haha It was my first (and hopefully not last) trip to Italy and so incredible. I can't wait to incorporate my experiences into my fiction story. :)

Jill Kemerer said...

Ciao Bella! My sister lived in Italy for three years, but we were financially unable to make the trek. How I wish we had!

And Roman Holiday?? One of the best movies ever! It's my favorite Audrey Hepburn film. Maybe because Gregory Peck is in it? :)

Congrats on brainstorming the new novel!

Cheryl Hart said...

Thanks, Jill! Oh yeah, Gregory Peck is dreamy in that movie. (LOL - Really dating myself with that comment.)

If you go to Italy one day you MUST visit Lucca. It is the most magnificent, charming, friendly, medieval-walled, pedestrian, Italian town ever! (At least out of the ones I visited. haha)

Thank you for your kind comments and encouragement! :)

kamagra said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the escapism of Italian romance novel.


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