*~wiggle~ *~ shake~ *~ bump~*~shimmy~*
This is my happy dance.
I received word about the submissions I sent out the end of March--one of my memoir pieces is published. And a free verse poem I wrote is scheduled to appear in the same magazine later this month! I’m stoked. I don’t expect to always get great news like this, or receive word so quickly, but it feels good right now. J
Kay and Mike, Co-Owners and Editors of The Cuckleburr Times, an online magazine for writers, are officially my favorite people of the day! (tee hee)
My memoir is titled The Summer of ’82, and is presently featured on the homepage of the magazine. You can read it HERE. I hope you enjoy it.
~A Writer’s Hart
It's raw, and it's poignant - and it made me cry.
Thank you, Deborah. I appreciate you reading my memoir piece. Your words touch me.
I left a comment on your story, Nic. You have a way of telling a story--so vivid and full of emotion. Congrats on publication! Keep submitting.
JM Powers
Thank you, JM. I'm excited my first piece is published. Thanks for encouraging me! :)
I'm happy that you're happy! We are too. Submissions like that make it easy for us to say yes. I shed a tear as well, I don't mind saying and also Mike loved it.
I'd suggest you consider submitting to Chicken Soup for the Soul if you haven't done so already, Nic. I'm reading quite a few of them for review purposes at the moment and I think your style would be a great fit. The submission guidelines are on their site at http://www.chickensoup.com/cs.asp?cid=guidelines. Be sure to also read the subheading under Submit Your Story, Possible Book Topics, that tells you what they are looking for currently, if you're interested.
I Tweeted your piece as well if anyone would like to RT it. :)
Don't be a stranger now! You have some wonderful comments to catch up with there. And thanks again. :)
**Waves and does a backflip a la Saturday Night Fever on the way out. (I can't beat your shimmy...)**
Kay, I'm a rambler - so VeRy RaReLy am I speechless. Wow. It's hard to type and pick my jaw up off the floor at the same time.
Ok, mouth is closed now...stifling the yips, woohoos, yows, and yehaws until I finish this reply.
I. Am. Thrilled. Chicken Soup? Wowsie. Zipiddeedo. Normally I use more than one word sentences. No, really!
Thank you. (FYI: that's two words.) Thank you for publishing, tweeting, encouraging, friending, and for the fabulous back flip! (Pretty impressive!)
I'm in awe of your awesomeness.
Now I'm off to start yipping and yehawin'...
Congratulations, C.E.! How wonderful for you! I'm your newest follower. It's so nice of you to come by my blog and say hi.
Thank you so much, Gabrielle! I'm thrilled you'll be following my journey. :)
Congrats on your publication! An acceptance is always a great feeling. And your memoir was very moving.
Thank you, Lindsay. Yes! It feels good. :)
I appreciate you visiting the Cuckleburr site and reading my post there.
What a wonderfully moving and tragic story! I love the poem at the end also- it is beautiful :-)Congrats!!!
Thank you so much, Lorraine. I've always loved Thomas Moore's poem. I appreciate you visiting my blog AND my article. :)
Beautifully done!
Thank you, Maggie. I'm glad you stopped by. :)
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